Evidence based research suggests that using continuous vital sign monitoring (cVSM) demonstrated a statistically significant 27% decrease in the complication rate, and a clinically significant decrease in transfers to an intensive care unit and failure-to-rescue (FTR) events rate [1] and if vital signs were more accurately and frequently measured, and acted on promptly and appropriately hospital care would be safer, better and cheaper [2]. With that in mind we designed Biox SmartHospital ecosystem. Biox SmartHospital software package offers a cloud-based remote patient monitoring solution that allows physicians to access their patients data including vital signs, reports, and medical history at any time from any device.
1. Verrillo, Sue Carol DNP, RN, CRRN; Cvach, Maria DNP, RN, FAAN; Hudson, Krysia Warren DNP, RN, BC; Winters, Bradford D. PhD, MD, FCCM. Using Continuous Vital Sign Monitoring to Detect Early Deterioration in Adult Postoperative Inpatients. Journal of Nursing Care Quality: April/June 2019 - Volume 34 - Issue 2 - p 107-113
2. Kellett, John et al. Make vital signs great again – A call for action. European Journal of Internal Medicine, Volume 45, 13 - 19
Biox’s SmartHospital ecosystem was designed to organize and provide not only vital sign data but also real time information about the availability of devices and inpatient beds so that no time is wasted in admitting patients and starting treatment. With the provided information, hospitals will know where each patient and device is at all times.
The Biox SmartHospital software package aims to change the interface between clinician and patient. Vital signs are the most important part of the patient encounter. The more access we have to a patient’s vital signs, the more we are able to understand their condition. A chronicle of their vital signs communicates progressively and exponentially, letting clinicians recognize whether their patients’ conditions are stable, or fluctuating acutely.
The Biox SmartHospital software package provides continuous, real-time, remote and secure access to patients’ vital signs. It prevents the need to continually visit patients only to check their vitals, thereby improving clinical efficiency by saving time, improving care, and decreasing the risk for disease transmission. Furthermore, the software notifies clinicians of a change in vitals—allowing for timelier detection and earlier time to intervention – ultimately, allowing for improved patient outcome.
Jassin Jouria M.D.
Emergency Medicine Physician
We, at BIOX, strive to offer innovative healthcare solutions that improve the overall care of patients. Our vision is to create smart hospitals, whereby enhanced communication, superior monitoring, and increased efficiency leads to exceptional global healthcare. We strive to develop and improve cutting edge technology that is driven by the goal of improved patient clinical outcome.
Our current developments include a communications device that will replace in-house data servers – saving cost, time, space, and maintenance - facilitating increased hospital productivity. Our future products, are being designed after extensive research and analysis, that will provide a number of AI enhanced tools in order to optimize patient monitoring, health decay analysis and condition prediction/ diagnosis. Our vision for a smart hospital includes plans to design a cloud-based EMR which integrated with our device ecosystem provides fully automated EMR and hospital organization tools that will vastly improve patient care. We aim to integrate our knowledge and experiences in medicine and technology to conceive products that will allow patients and physicians to evolve and reform healthcare management.
We have envisioned a brighter future for the healthcare system where every patient will be equipped to manage their health more effectively in coordination with their physician in an attempt to recognize and prevent pathology and their complications, as well as than focus on treating them.